Dance for Camera - 8 Min DANCE FILM
Director: David Anderson
Devised, choreographed, written, scored and performed by Liz Aggiss
Producer: Andy McClean
BBC TV/ Arts Council of England
*Czech Crystal Best Original Dance & Music - Golden Prague International TV Awards
*Paula Citron Award for Choreography for the Camera - Moving Picture Film and Video Awards Toronto
*Special Jury Golden Award - World FilmFest Houston
*Best Female Film - Mediawaves Hungary
Arts Brighton Link
Music: Billy Cowie
Singer: Naomi Itami
Executive Producer: Rodney Wilson (Arts Council of England)
Executive Producer: Bob Lockyer (BBC)
Motion Control was produced with an Arts Council England / BBC Dance for Camera Award and examines the synergy between camera and performer.
The film is notable for hyper-sound Foley score overlaid with text and electro-opera.
Motion Control concerns itself with a dynamic partnership between computer operated Motion Control camera, and performer. This screen dance film tests the boundaries of dialogue between camera and performer, camera and space, camera and sound and has raised the profile internationally of screen dance from the UK and in particular from Brighton.
It has received numerous international awards, worldwide screenings and continues to tour to
international film festivals and is included with Forward Motion, Take7 compilation packages.
The iconic ‘red dress’ image featuring Professor Aggiss has been used worldwide as publicity for screen dance the art form.